Thursday, July 28, 2011


I am extremely fortunate in so many ways. One of these fortunes is that I have a large family, my family members contact me for assistance, and that I've grown up knowing my grandparents and other family members of my grandparents' generation. The result is that I get to hear wonderful stories from these amazing people.

This week, my 84 year old, maternal Grandma visited her 102 year old Aunt in South Dakota. They both look very much alike - like my great, great Grandma. As Grandma was trying to leave, and Auntie was trying to keep her from leaving, having enjoyed their visit too much for it to end, Auntie kept giving her more hugs and kisses. Finally, giving her one last kiss, Auntie took Grandma's hands and told her, "You look just like my mommy". Auntie may be 102 years old, but she has all of her faculties - she does not allow people to push her wheelchair - insisting on pushing it herself AND refusing to ride in one of those electric contraptions. Auntie still eats like a 70 year old and goes to exercise class every day to stay spry. Auntie happens to be a nun. She lives in an assisted living hall in the convent and feels like it's passed her time to move on to the next great adventure. Every time one of the nuns who was in their 80s or 90s passes away, she calls my grandma and complains, "I don't know why the young ones are dying, but I'm still here".

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