Friday, July 25, 2008

Ahhhh Weekend

Can I just say, "aaaaahhhhh"? I came home feeling like I needed to do something drastic. Then I went for our nightly walk with Sly B and now feel like I am living the fucking dream.

I hope that I can remember on Monday that work is just work. It's not worth friendships, however strained said friendships have become.

I hope that I can remember on Monday that work allows Sly B and I the freedom to do what we want: like me, drinking this Old Scratch Ale right now, or us driving to Canon City tomorrow to visit grandma and get some family time.

I hope that I can remember on Monday that this life is what I make of it. Frustrations, fuck off. I'm busy living my life over here.

I hope that I can remember on Monday to set the DVR to record Mad Men and Eureka.

I love this life. I love you guys.

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